The Mystery School Logo
An online community of inspired individuals dedicated to spiritual transformation and mutual evolution
Become a member
BECOME A MEMBER for just $1Offer ends October 25th, 2020
Ongoing Spiritual Work with Jeff Carreira
Members have the opportunity to do spiritual work with Jeff Carreira in a variety of ongoing formats including: weekly video teachings, guided meditations, regular attunement retreats, as well as programs and retreats throughout the year.
Mutual Evolution & Collective Awakening
Members are encouraged and supported to share their wisdom in classes and workshops of their own. The dynamic mutual engagement of these offerings fuels the continuous expansion of both our individual and collective consciousness.
An Extensive Video, Audio, & Print Library
Members have access to an extensive library of transformative resources including spiritual programs and retreats led by members, hundreds of audio and video teachings from Jeff Carreira, and recorded conversations with special guest teachers.
Realize your full potential with the support of others dedicated to mutual growth and evolution
The Mystery School is an online community that nurtures and inspires spiritual practitioners and mystical adepts from around the world.

When people ask me what is the most important thing they can do to continue to awaken and grow, I always suggest they join The Mystery School where they will have the opportunity to work with me consistently throughout the year through weekly videos, monthly meetings, courses, retreats and other programs. It is also where you can benefit from the wisdom and insights of a number of other amazing teachers who offer programs there.

The Mystery School is a powerful and loving virtual community where everyone is encouraged to share their gifts and support each other’s continued evolution.

I hope you will use our 30-day money back guarantee to join The Mystery School, explore all of its features, and decide if it feels like the right place for you to grow and share.


Opportunities of Membership in The Mystery School
Explore Transdimensional Spirituality with Jeff Carreira

For more than three decades Jeff Carreira has dedicated his life to exploring mystical enlightenment traditions of the East and West. Through his numerous experiences of spiritual breakthrough, he has developed a form of spiritual work called Transdimensional Spirituality.

The Mystery School is the best place to work with Jeff and explore the path of Transdimensional Spirituality. That path begins with an awakening beyond the limits of our human identity and the material universe of time and space it occupies. It continues through experiences of more subtle realities in which we experience higher-dimensional aspects of ourselves. The journey leads us through a succession of breakthrough experiences that culminate in the realization of causal oneness, or nonduality.

Non-dual oneness is not the end of the path, it is the beginning of a new path in which we return through subtle dimensions of reality back to life on Earth. But our life is now infused with the love and wisdom of the higher aspects of ourselves and we are able to bring new potentials to life as an artist of possibility.

The journey of Transdimensional Spirituality leads from the gross, to the subtle and ultimately the causal dimensions of reality. It is a path described in different ways in mystical traditions throughout the world. The philosophy and practices of Transdimensional Spirituality have parallels in classical spiritual wisdom, and they are supported by many of the insights of modern philosophy and science.

As a member of The Mystery School, you have the opportunity to work directly with Jeff Carreira in programs, retreats, practice sessions, and other gatherings, to explore the awakening path of Transdimensional Spirituality. Those who want even more in-depth work can add the intensive practice program described below.

Develop as an
Artist of Possibility

The profound depths of spiritual freedom and mystical illumination that can be attained through the practice of Transdimensional Spirituality, unleash profound depths of creative potential within us. When our hearts and minds are freed from the habitual ways we’ve been taught to think and feel, we begin to respond to life in ways we never could have imagined before.

In The Mystery School you will develop your mystical creativity and discover your capacity to act as an artist of possibility in the world. As your mystical vision expands, you see everything differently. You live in the same world, but you’re looking at it through different eyes. Beyond the surface of reality, you see a vast spiritual expanse that constantly feeds the world as we know it.

As you become more and more liberated from your familiar experience of reality, you will become aware of subtle energetic stirrings and inspirations that reveal the potential of a new kind of human existence. You will learn how to meet the energy of unrealized potentials and allow them to express them in ways that can illuminate and inspire others.

The Mystery School will support you to develop your own unique articulation and expression of the realizations you want to share. And you will be supported to offer them as courses in our virtual classroom, or ongoing discussion or study groups.

This is truly a co-evolutionary community. We are growing together. Learning from each other, and supporting the emergence of all of our higher potentials. Together we strive to shift into a new paradigm, create a new world, and discover what it means to live an awakened life.

"Bravo! You truly are leading the way to a new order of mystery schools - in the clear ways you offer towards speciation, evolutionary becoming, and preparing people to be the change that can make the change in our world and time."
~ Dr. Jean Houston
Four Reasons to Join The Mystery School
Receive ongoing guidance from Jeff Carreira and learn about his latest innovations and discoveries.

The Mystery School is where Jeff Carreira shares everything first, before his ideas and discoveries are incorporated into public programs. As a member you will learn about the practices, concepts, and inspiring luminaries that Jeff is discovering himself. You will find out about the books that are influencing him, the experiences and realizations he’s having, and the periodic insights that shape his work.

Jeff provides weekly video teachings and guided meditations, monthly community discussion calls, and two daylong retreats, two five-day attunement retreats and one four week classes each year. The retreats and classes are delivered over Zoom video conferencing.

Sustain your breakthrough realizations and continually deepen into awakened awareness.

Many of us have already realized that the breakthrough realizations and insights we have during extended retreats or intensive programs quickly fade once we return to daily life.

Many of us wonder what we can do to maintain and deepen our hard won realizations. Wisdom traditions from around the world will tell you that the most important single thing you can do to safeguard and expand your spiritual attainment is stay connected with like-minded people.

We don’t want our breakthroughs to fade, we want to sustain them, integrate them, and build on them. That’s why we need to be continually refreshed with new ideas and perspectives and opportunities to explore them with others. This is what you will find in The Mystery School.

Develop your own voice and learn to articulate and share your wisdom confidently with others.

The Mystery School is a gathering of people who have wisdom to share and a deep desire to awaken the world.

In addition to providing a context for your own growth, The Mystery School also supports and empowers you to share the depth that you’ve brought with you.

Our members don’t just take courses and participate in programs; they lead them as well. Any member who wants to share their expertise within the community will find a receptive audience to share it with.

As a member, you will receive support and encouragement to design and teach classes or facilitate discussion groups in our video conference room. The Mystery School is a perfect forum to experience the thrill of sharing your wisdom with others.

Work with a growing group of emerging teachers/facilitators who each have unique wisdom and expertise to share

Within our community a number of people have emerged over time to become profound sources of wisdom and inspiration for everyone. These individuals offer regular classes and programs, lead retreats, and facilitate study and discussion groups.

As a member you can work with, and learn from, any or all of these wonderful people. You will find that each of them has been sincerely devoted to their area of interest and developed their wisdom over extended periods of time.

Each of our teachers/facilitators maintains a sub-group within The Mystery School and when you find someone you feel drawn to, you can join their group to receive additional resources and be in regular communication with them.

Member Benefits
Membership in The Mystery School is designed for those who wish to explore the spiritual teaching work of Jeff Carreira and engage with others in a dynamically interactive co-learning community where they can grow through mutual engagement with others. The following benefits are included with membership:
Weekly Video Teachings

Each week Jeff Carreira provides short video teachings exploring the many facets of awakening and mystical philosophy.

Guided Meditations
Join live guided meditation with Jeff Carreira twice each week, or listen to the recordings later.

4-Week Classes
Each year Jeff Carreira teaches one 4-week class focused on relevant themes in mystical philosophy. Some of our previous classes have explored, the awakening of cosmic consciousness, the nondual teachings of Ramana Maharshi, the paranormal philosophy of William James, and the spiritual implications of quantum physics.

5-Day Attunement Retreats
Each year Jeff Carreira leads two 5-day attunement retreats, where you have the opportunity to meet with him live for 60-minute sessions daily to attune your consciousness to higher perceptions of reality.
6-Hour Immersion Retreats
Each year Jeff Carreira leads two virtual immersion retreats, which are an opportunity to deep dive into the experience of liberated awareness and awakened consciousness.

Member-Led Programs
One of the most unique and important aspects is our commitment to creating a true co-learning and co-evolutionary community. In The Mystery School we encourage everyone to share their wisdom and experience through classes, workshops and on-going groups.

Monthly Discussion Calls
Once each month you have the chance to join Jeff Carreira for a 90-minute discussion call. These sessions, held via zoom are a chance for the community to discuss the insights that have emerged during the month.

Social Activity
Connect with members through the searchable member directory, community feed, member profiles and private messaging.
Featured Member Teachers
As a member you have the opportunity to work with a growing number of excellent teachers, facilitators and guides. Here are a few of the people you can learn from and share with.
Current Programs
Featured image for “[Class] Satsanga”

[Class] Satsanga

Select Sundays, September - December, 2024

11:00am - 12:00pm US Eastern time

with Jeff Carreira
Featured image for “[Class] Living Nonduality and Spiritual Abundance”

[Class] Living Nonduality and Spiritual Abundance

1st and 3rd Monday each month

1:00pm - 2:30pm (US Eastern Time)

with Homer Wong
Featured image for “[Class] Exploration through the Human Design and Gene Keys Systems”

[Class] Exploration through the Human Design and Gene Keys Systems

Thursdays, May 23rd - November 21st, 2024

10:00am to 11:00am US Eastern time.

with Manon Desjardins
Featured image for “[Class] The Mystery School Literary Circle”

[Class] The Mystery School Literary Circle

Monthly on Thursdays, May 9th - Dec 12th, 2024

4:30pm - 6:00pm US Eastern time

with Jeff Carreira
Featured image for “[Class] Death Cafe”

[Class] Death Cafe

First Sunday of month, May - October, 2024

4:00pm to 5:00pm US Eastern time.

with Marilyn Roossinck
Featured image for “[Group] Bridges of Golden Light Book Discussion”

[Group] Bridges of Golden Light Book Discussion

Wednesdays May 1st - July 31st, 2024

3:30pm to 5:00pm US Eastern time.

with Adriana Colotti Comel
Featured image for “[Class] Momos Library Discussion Group on Spiritual Grandparenting”

[Class] Momos Library Discussion Group on Spiritual Grandparenting

Wednesdays, April 3rd - December 18th, 2024

1:15pm - 2:00pm US Eastern time.

with Onia Wellman
Featured image for “[Class] Soul Pictures”

[Class] Soul Pictures


11:30am - 1:00pm US Eastern time.

with Jyoti Uwe Bublies
Featured image for “[Practice] Sunday Morning Meditation”

[Practice] Sunday Morning Meditation

Sundays, January 28th - December 29th, 2024

4:00am - 4:30am US Eastern time (9:00am - 9:30am UK)

with Clare Conway
Featured image for “[Class] Cultivating Planetary Consciousness”

[Class] Cultivating Planetary Consciousness

Monthly on Sundays in 2024

9:30am - 11:00am US Eastern Time

with Aterah Nusrat
Featured image for “[Class] Creating Loves Guidebook”

[Class] Creating Loves Guidebook

First Tuesday of each month, January – December, 2024

3:00pm - 4:30pm US Eastern time

with Christiana Donovan
Featured image for “[Group] Community Discussions”

[Group] Community Discussions

Tuesdays at 8:00pm to 9:00pm US Eastern time.

Wednesdays at 9:00am to 10:00am US Eastern time.

with Manon Desjardins
Featured image for “[Practice] Guided Meditation”

[Practice] Guided Meditation

Tuesdays and Thursdays

8:30am - 9:00am US Eastern Time

with Jeff Carreira
Featured image for “[Group] The Collective Heartspace”

[Group] The Collective Heartspace


1:00pm - 2:00pm US Eastern Time

with Michou Landon
Featured image for “[Class] Somatic Embodiment”

[Class] Somatic Embodiment

First Thursday of the month

1:00pm - 2:00pm US Eastern Time

with Susan Kullman
Featured image for “[Group] Evolving”

[Group] Evolving


12:30pm - 1:30pm US Eastern Time

with Noreen Hamilton
Featured image for “[Practice] Waking Up with Pranayama”

[Practice] Waking Up with Pranayama

Tuesdays and Thursdays

7:15am - 8:15am US Eastern Time

with Supriya Kini
Featured image for “[Group] Speaking from Emptiness”

[Group] Speaking from Emptiness


2:00pm - 3:00pm US Eastern Time

with Melinda Shelton
Featured image for “[Practice] Weekday Meditation  (8:30am US Eastern Time)”

[Practice] Weekday Meditation (8:30am US Eastern Time)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8:30am - 9:00am US Eastern Time

with Carol Sweeney
Featured image for “[Practice] Weekday Meditation (8:30am US Pacific Time)”

[Practice] Weekday Meditation (8:30am US Pacific Time)


8:30am - 9:00am US Pacific Time

with Sophie (Admin)
Featured image for “[Practice] Weekday Meditation (8:30am London Time)”

[Practice] Weekday Meditation (8:30am London Time)


8:30am - 9:00am London Time

with Sophie (Admin)
Featured image for “[Group] Spontaneous Writing Circle”

[Group] Spontaneous Writing Circle

Alternate Mondays

7:00pm - 8:30pm US Eastern Time

with Deborah Kaplan
Who Is The Mystery School for?
Those who want to stay connected to Jeff Carreira and his ongoing spiritual explorations.
If you are inspired by the spiritual perspectives and teachings offered by Jeff Carreira, The Mystery School is where you can work with Jeff, learning about his most recent discoveries and taking part in programs that are not available in his public offerings.
Those who want the support of a global community of spiritually inspired individuals.
The Mystery School is not exclusively a home for people who want to work with Jeff Carreira. It is also a place where you will find other people, like yourself, who bring different experiences, backgrounds and interests. Our members are aligned and open to new perspectives.
Those who recognizes that it’s time for them to share their wisdom with the world.
Perhaps the most unique and exciting opportunity of The Mystery School is having the chance to teach and facilitate programs to a global community of intelligent, inspired, and interested people. If you have wisdom to share, this community is waiting to embrace you.
Why others have joined
The Mystery School

Larry Weiss

I’m in The Mystery School community to celebrate, learn and create a community of awakening beings. For over 40 years I’ve been searching, learning and growing as a spiritual being; the way to practice being that being is in relationship. And The Mystery School community is filled with beautiful people sharing this awakening path. What a blessing!

Let’s continue to make it a rich and rewarding experience!

Graeme Burn

If only I lived just around the corner from you all! We could saunter when we felt like it, have surprise meetings and unexpected encounters. But I don’t and what Jeff has started and pulled us into is the next best thing. And it’s very good: alive, fresh, thought-provoking and full of a sense of togetherness and wonder.

Kimberlee Doyle

What inspired me to join The Mystery School was you Jeff. I love your teachings, your meditations, your mind, your humor, and I share your desire to shift our consciousness, our paradigm. I wanted to stay connected. And now after my first awesome summer retreat with you I am excited to stay connected and in community with all the others I have met who share this desire and commitment to expand and shift consciousness. And as Graeme Burn said since we don’t live around the corner from each other this is the next best thing.

Jeffrey Sullivan

It’s something remarkable to be in a group of people, a tiny miracle we take for grant far too easily. And to be here with a group of people hungry for transformation and awakening is something extra special. I too have seen the collective power that can lift all those residing within it. Why am I here… to engage in the collective exploration of living in and as a mystery? It seems like mystery, in the sense in which it’s intended here, has all but fallen out of fashion. Mystery these days is simply, for most, a puzzle to be solved and not the true state of things.

Adriana Colotti Comel

It has been refreshing for me to re-introduce meditation in my daily life. Now, everyday I do the guided meditations and then I journal … this has inspired my creative poetry to develop and in the members blog I already posted 4 original posts to share my experience with the community. I love also the very inspiring monthly talks and group meetings and the posts and comments that make me feel part of a community of shared values...I am very grateful to The Mystery School that make me feel that we are not alone in this extraordinary journey called life on planet earth. Thank you all and specially you Jeff for your wonderful initiatives!

Terry Vartanyan

I’m here because I am consumed with knowing what’s true and who we really are beyond what our senses indicate. There’s a depth of passion that arises deep within to pursue awakening along with a quiet, yet driving desire to become my most authentic self. Connection & interaction with a community of people like those here and at the recent retreat feeds my soul. Ultimately, I want my life to count in the world…

Keith Ohlsen

There was a longing for something bigger, better to happen in daily life. My experiences weren’t fulfilling , leaving a feeling of emptiness. This started changing when I came into contact with Jeff’s teachings. There was a sense of something greater being available. Upon reading the description of Jeff’s ideas of The Mystery School, there was no doubt that I wanted to participate. The experiences have exceeded any expectations that I had. Awareness is readily available no matter how I feel or if I am aware of it or not. Meditation brings out the Truth of this. It is humbling and a blessing to participate in such a group.

Join The Mystery School

Monthly Membership


Per Month
  • 30 day money back guarantee​

>> Register today

Cancellation Policy

We offer a full, no-questions-asked, 30 day money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your membership subscription within 30 days of joining.

If you choose to cancel past 30-days from joining your billing for subsequent payments will be stopped and your membership will remain active until the end of the last period you have paid for. No refunds of payments already made will be awarded.

Special Opportunity For Deeper Work With Jeff Carreira
The Mystery School Intensive Practice Program [2024]
January 1st - December 31st, 2024

This 12-month membership extension program is designed for those who wish to work with Jeff Carreira in a more intensive, ongoing, and systematic way throughout the year. It is sold as an add-on to membership and is only available to active members. When you add the intensive practice program to your base membership you receive all of the member benefits plus:

  • 20 x weeks of 45-minute live practice sessions held Monday through Friday during select weeks throughout the year.
  • Monthly study guides containing detailed instruction to guide your spiritual work and practice all year long.
Learn more here